Ephesians chapter 4 says: “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Therefore, Evangelists are essential for equipping the body of Christ. Evangelism can often feel really challenging for many local churches and that’s why our Evangelists want to help you.
What we offer churches
We love to partner with local churches for missions, schools work, evangelism training and more.
How can we help you?
What we offer local churches
We invite you to think about how an OAC Evangelist could help you with any aspect of your evangelism strategy:
Evangelism training
We’ve trained thousands of people in evangelism, so it’s perfectly possible to learn how to do what we do! Find out more about our evangelism training for churches.
Street evangelism
We’ll run an open-air mission for you for a day, a weekend or a week. We can provide anything from a gospel presentation at a country fair to urban street preaching, Gospel magic or Escapology.
Church missions
Our evangelists are regularly involved in helping churches reach out to their local communities through church missions. That might be an events week, a holiday club or something else. Don’t forget we can train you to run missions, or do them with you, or both.
Schools work
We deliver creative, impactful and memorable assemblies and lessons in local primary and secondary schools. We are happy to train you to do it too.
Let’s start a conversation…
What can we do for your church? Why not contact us to see how we might be able to help.