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Online Evangelism Training

By September 28, 2020OAC Events, Training
street evangelism

The next online evangelism training for street evangelism will start in the middle of 2021.

The training is FREE and will be partly done by Zoom and partly by video. There will be four weekly Zoom meetings on Monday evening starting at 1930 each week. There also 6+ videos. The videos can watched in your own time.

After completing the theory we’ll discuss with you individually how to arrange practical training and practice. For instance it may be possible for you to join one of our existing regular outreaches. Alternatively we might be able to bring a team to your church for part of the weekend and put it all into practice.

The online evangelism training will cover the following:-

Zoom sessions will include:-

  • What is the Gospel?
  • How to share your story.
  • Starting and maintaining conversations.
  • Defending your beliefs.

Videos will include:-

To register your interest and obtain the Zoom log-in details email Marten at [email protected]