A New Director
On the 1st January 2023 I become the 5th National Director of OAC GB. The image below shows four of the National Director’s at the recent funeral of the first National Director of OAC GB, David Fanstone. David was a great Evangelist. He was an inspiration to so many and helped to grow the work of OAC in Great Britain and right across Europe. It was amazing to hear stories at his funeral of how even in his final weeks, when he was severely ill, he was still witnessing to his carers and even led some of them to the Lord.
David passed the baton onto Dave Glover (far right), who passed it on to Peter Kennelly (far left) who passed it on to Marten (centre right) who has now passed it on to me. I take over in what will be the 55th year of OAC GB with quite a challenge facing me.
Many of our Evangelists are getting older and I know that I need to find and train up the next generation of Evangelists if OAC GB is going to continue on for another 50 years and more! OAC first began in 1892 in Sydney because a Barrister called E.P. Field recognised that people weren’t coming to church as much as they used to and that it was essential to take the gospel out to where the people were or otherwise they would not hear the life saving message of Jesus Christ. If that was the case in 1892 how much more is it the case in 2023!
The Same Direction
My plan to take OAC forwards is to keep the direction that OAC has always taken. Our motto is “Presenting Christ By All Means Everywhere” and this is what I want to ensure that we keep doing. I had to present my vision to the trustees before they agreed to my becoming National Director and I was pleased to be able to share it with the Evangelists at our recent conference. My vision is this:
“Identify God’s Evangelists by training and equipping the church to present a clear and correct gospel, in a creative way so that many may come to Christ.”
I truly believe that the way for OAC to grow is for us to stick to our roots, presenting the gospel in a theologically correct manner using creative methods and training others to do the same.
I would really appreciate it if you would stand with me in prayer as I take on this role; that God would guide and lead me to take OAC forwards not for the sake of the ministry but so that many more may hear the gospel and become part of God’s Kingdom here on earth!