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Mission and Training Dates 2019

By November 12, 2018OAC Events

Here is an advance warning of the list of the mission and training dates 2019:-

Streetwise London

Jan 12th 2019 onwards  –  click HERE for details


February 4th-8th  –  click HERE for details

Monopoly Mission London

April 23rd-27th 2019

Prayer Conference

May 7th-9th 2019

Brighton Fringe Outreach

May 18th-19th 2019

Streetwise Intensive Cardiff

June 24th-28th 2019  –  click HERE for more details

South Yorkshire Mission                 

July 15th-19th 2019

Reach the City (mission and training) – Oslo

July 30th – August 3rd

London Prayer Walk

August 27th-30th 2019

Evangelists Conference

November 4th-7th 2019

More details will be added to the website as we draw closer to the individual events.  Details of the Streetwise course in London can be found HERE and details of the week long intensive course in Cardiff can be found HERE

Details of the Schoolwise training course to learn how to take effective school assemblies can be found HERE

Keep checking the webpage and our Facebook page for updated info on mission and training dates 2019.