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London Outreach Programme

By June 21, 2021OAC Events

For those of you who live in the London area and want to join one of the street outreaches I’m attaching below a diary of the outreach programme for July 2021. The London outreach programme is organised as a partnership between OAC, K180 and various churches and other organisations.

The diary includes the local contact details. If you would like to join one of the teams, please make contact with the appropriate person beforehand who will talk you through the practicalities. Do be aware that the team leader will want to assure themselves of the suitability of new potential team members.

Why not drop by one of the street outreaches and see the team in action? This will give you an idea whether this type of ministry is for you. If you drop by and join the crowd, do say hello to the team after the preach. It’s always an encouragement to have Christians stop by. However please don’t try to help or encourage them by taking a leaflet as if you are responding to the gospel.

The teams would also value your prayers. If you do drop by and join the crowd, please pray for the team as they preach and engage in conversations. You may not be able to get to any of the locations but you can still pray for the teams. Why not print a copy of the London outreach programme and pop it in your Bible? You could then pray for the outreaches on the appropriate day.

If you would like to receive regular updates of the London outreach programme please drop an email request to Scott at [email protected]

There are street teams out most weeks in different parts of the country who would also value your prayers.