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Go Mission

By May 3, 2019OAC News

Go Mission 2019 was a joint outreach between OAC Ministries and K180. The Go Mission started in 2018 and came out of a desire to run street outreaches in London. It was decided to spend 5 days going to every location marked on the Monopoly board and preach the gospel.

Each day the team met together in St John’s, Stratford for breakfast and devotions before splitting into two teams for the days outreaches. In order to cover all the Monopoly squares the teams started at around 1100 and didn’t finish until 2100 in the evening.

The Go Mission was a huge success, some heard the gospel for the very first time, others made decisions to come back to faith in God, a few made first time decisions and many were left with food for thought.

Throughout the Go Mission the team handed out Gospels of John printed by the Pocket Testament League but personalised to the mission. There were also some special ‘Chance’ and ‘Community Chest’ to give to people.

If you would be interested in joining one of the OAC street missions, check out the dates HERE.

To see a video of the mission click HERE.