
“That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” – Romans 1:12

OAC evangelists love to network with different individuals and churches, because fellowship enables us to find the encouragement and support we need to sustain ourselves and our work.

Fellowship might be offered by a church, a group, a family or an individual. It can take whatever form feels most comfortable – you might like to host a meal, a presentation, a prayer event, a coffee in a coffee shop, or just a walk in the countryside.

Why does it matter so much to us?

Fellowship matters to all Christians, but we’re especially appreciative because:
Evangelism can involve being on the fringes, where the workers are few. Sometimes it’s nice to come back into the middle of things and to enjoy times of refreshing.

We welcome fresh ideas, challenges and perspectives, so mixing with supportive fellow-Christians can help us to grow both personally and professionally.

We hope that our stories will encourage and inspire others: after all, hearing how God changes lives makes for compelling listening!

Getting to know our evangelists and our organisation better can often lead to shared projects, missions and partnerships with local churches.

Good fellowship leads to better understanding, and better understanding can lead to prayer support for us – which we value enormously.

Find out more

To find out how you can partner with an OAC evangelist, or how to get involved, please contact us.

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