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Creative Evangelism Training

By June 11, 2021OAC News
online evangelism training

Following on from the successful Evangelism Toolbox online training course I thought it would be good to post an update.

The latest creative evangelism training course ran for 5 weeks in May and June. We had up to 90 people join us on Zoom each week. As the course proceeded a number of people followed the training programme using the lecture notes and recordings at home. Providing notes and recordings of the meetings enabled people who worked late to catch up in their own time. It also meant anyone who missed a week for whatever reason could keep up with the training.

Following feedback from previous courses we broadened the content of the evangelism training to give many more creative ideas. The course covered street evangelism, literature evangelism, door to door, bus stop evangelism, witnessing to friends and family and much more. Examples were demonstrated of using the sketchbook, power bands, magic tricks, True or False board.

We will be running further training courses focusing on specific areas of evangelism and will give more details shortly.

We are also planning another creative evangelism training course starting in September 2021.The course will be a blend of Zoom meetings and video content to watch in your own time. It will include numerous creative evangelism ideas as well laying out some of the basic principles.

We also hope to be able to start running face to face training in street evangelism shortly too, subject to government restrictions.

For more information on the next creative evangelism training go to the Evangelism Toolkit page.