Conference Speakers

We have a wide variety of great speakers for this year's OAC Evangelists Conference.

Charlie Styles

Charlie took up the post of Executive Director of OCCA in 2022 after thirteen years serving in church-based ministry.  He studied Theology at Durham University and trained for ministry at Oak Hill Theological College.

Charlie has held various leadership roles for organisations in both the charitable and public sectors, including serving as the chair of a multi-academy trust during a time of significant political and structural change.

Charlie’s interests include the intersection of faith and public life and is never happier than when helping people discover deep spiritual truth for the first time.

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A headshot of Charlie Styles

Jonathan Thomas

Jonathan is a radio producer, broadcaster, speaker and author.  He was a church pastor for 20 years in Wales.

He loves to find creative ways to teach the Bible and connect with people.  He has made a film on Welsh Revival history called ‘Welsh Awakenings‘ (Pugh Productions), and is the author of ‘Intentional Interruptions‘ (Christian Focus).

Jonathan is married to Rebecca, and has 3 boys and 1 cat.

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Owen Batstone

Rev. Owen Batstone is the minister at Park End Church in Cardiff, a position he has held since November 2019.  Prior to this, he served as the pastor of Calvary Church in Ogmore Vale, South Wales.

A native of North Cardiff, he earned a BA (Hons) in English Literature and furthered his studies in Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology, and Church History with the Evangelical Movement of Wales.  In his ministry, Owen emphasises creating a Jesus-centred church, focusing on serving the community and fostering spiritual growth.

Owen is married to Rita, and they have two sons.

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Owen Cottom

Owen is married to Charlotte and together they have four young sons.  Together with a small group of believers the Cottom family planted Grace Church Cardiff at the beginning of 2018 and Owen continues to serve as lead Pastor.

Owen is passionate about helping people encounter God’s truth in the Bible and helping people discover God’s grace in their stories.

Owen regularly leads the devotions at the OAC Evangelists Conference and is a great favourite.


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Owen Cottom

Adam Colman

Adam is an Englishman in Wales, who leads collective worship and school clubs through the medium of the Welsh language.  With a background in gospel magic, his trusty side-kick, Doug the dog, has morphed him into a gospel puppeteer and ventriloquist.  Adam works for Menter Ysgolion Cymraeg and as an associate with OAC.

Adam is married to Andrea, he teaches IT skills part-time and is (gradually) learning to play the guitar.  He has now begun a quest fill his memory with something more important than 80s kids’ TV trivia – if there’s any room left!

What people are saying:
“Mr Colman is quite good at cooking, but not much else.” – Doug the Dog

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A picture of Adam Colman and his vent puppet Doug

Steve Harris

Steve has been the National Director of OAC Ministries GB since January 2023.

Having trained as a Barrister and then worked as a IT Manager Steve felt God calling him to be an Evangelist during a Souled Out camp at Coleg y Bala in 2007.

Steve joined OAC in 2008.  He has been sharing the Gospel in schools, churches and out on the streets ever since.  He has a particular passion to train others and so regularly leads training sessions to help people to be more confident in sharing the Gospel.

Steve is married to Becky who is also an Evangelist with OAC.  They have two young children called Elisha and Esther.

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Steve Harris with Elisha and Essie

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