Year of Evangelism

Do you believe that God is calling you to be an Evangelist?
Then why not undertake our Year of Evangelism programme to test that calling and develop the skills you'll need to be an effective Evangelist

Are you looking for training to become an Evangelist?

OAC has over 130 years of training and equipping those who feel called by God to be an Evangelist.  The Year of Evangelism programme will allow you to explore your calling within your local church setting whilst being supported by our experienced and knowledgeable Evangelists.

Applications are now open for those looking to join the programme in September 2025.  The deadline for applications for September 2025 is Friday 13th June 2025.

Unfortunately, we are currently only able to accept applications from UK residents.

Who is our Evangelist training for?

The Year of Evangelism programme is for anyone who feels that God is calling them to be an Evangelist.  The programme is designed for men and women, of all ages and backgrounds.  What matters is that you are a Christian and have a sense of calling to share the Gospel creatively.

Evangelists at the Evangelists Conference 2022

What does the Evangelist training programme look like?

The Year of Evangelism is a one year commitment commencing in September.

OAC believes that the Evangelists role within the local church is vital.  Therefore, trainees will primarily work alongside their local church whilst being supported by OAC.  Each trainee will have an experienced Evangelist as a mentor.  They will join OAC missions and will receive fortnightly training with input from highly experienced Evangelists.

What will you learn?

During the Year of Evangelism you will undertake Theological, Evangelistic and Practical training.  Examples of what will be covered are below:


  • The authority and inerrancy of Scripture and how to correctly handle it.
  • The character of God and the Trinity
  • The deity of Jesus Christ
  • The work of the Holy Spirit
  • The sinful nature of man
  • The Atonement
  • The importance of the church
  • The role of the Evangelist
  • The return of Christ


  • Evangelistic Preaching in a number of contexts
  • The importance of an invitation
  • Sharing your story
  • One to One Evangelism
  • Follow Up
  • Handling objections to the Gospel
  • Street Evangelism
  • Evangelism with children and teens
  • Effective storytelling


  • Sharing your ministry with others
  • Raising support and living by faith
  • Building a team
  • The law relating to street evangelism
  • Developing a school’s ministry
  • Using creative methods for Evangelism

Schools Ministry | RE lesson

What happens when the year is finished?

You could go on to be an Evangelist with OAC or with another organisation.  An important part of the time you spend with your mentor will be exploring what you think your next steps may be.  The Year of Evangelism will help you whatever your ongoing ministry looks like.

If you wanted to explore becoming an Evangelist with OAC then you would have to commit to completing one year’s Bible college training or equivalent.  This could be done part-time over a couple of years or in a number of different ways.  We would be happy to discuss with you what this might look like in your situation.

Looking for an evangelism internship?

We also run our Year of Evangelism programme as an internship for those looking to explore evangelism during a gap year or similar.  If this is something that you would be interested in then please contact us.

Want to know more about becoming an Evangelist?

Please contact us for more information.

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