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James Wood preaching on one of our street outreaches
OAC Events
August 17, 2020

Missions and Evangelism Training

Coronavirus Update Missions and evangelism training update It will be no surprise to you that all missions and evangelism training has been cancelled until further notice due to the virus. The next Streetwise evangelism training was due to start in January. At the moment no decision has been taken if…
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OAC News
August 17, 2020

Evangelism Training and Missions

All evangelism training and missions are suspended until further notice. This is due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Most of the OAC evangelists are using this time to read, study and prepare. Many have switched to providing online stories and messages. You can see some of these HERE. Evangelism training…
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Mavis Heyman
OAC News
August 4, 2020

Goodbye to Mavis Heyman

It is with sadness that the OAC family say goodbye to Mavis Heyman who died on Sunday 2nd August at 0600. Mavis had been ill with cancer of the oesophagus for approx 4 years and had recently become more frail. She collapsed at home the previous evening following a fish…
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OAC News
August 1, 2020

Starting Street Evangelism Post Coronavirus

We have passed the peak and begun to ease the lockdown and many are now asking about starting street evangelism post coronavirus. It is a matter of personal conscience and we need to allow others to make their own decisions with regards starting street evangelism post coronavirus. There are many…
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