Presenting Christ by all means everywhere

OAC Ministries finds as many creative ways as possible to present the good news of the love of God, especially in the open air and often in partnership with churches, schools, camps and major events. We’re part of Open Air Campaigners International, a worldwide interdenominational mission.

We partner with churches

We love encouraging local churches with their evangelism, especially as we recognise it can be challenging.  We could run a training course for you, deliver an open-air or run a church mission or holiday club for example.  We can also support you with your schools work.  Just let us know how we can help…

What we offer churches

We go into schools

We have a very extensive and effective schools ministries: headteachers trust us because we’re professional, reliable, and sensitive to schools’ needs and concerns.  Ask us about fresh, attention-grabbing and imaginative lessons & collective worship in both primary and secondary schools…

What we offer schools


Find out what we do

We are Christian evangelists who use the power of creative storytelling to share the love of God in a wide range of settings.  We work anywhere, but we especially partner with churches and schools.

More about what we do

street magic

Our evangelists

Our evangelists are men & women dedicated to bringing the message of Christ to people wherever they are.  We regularly share the message of Christ on the streets and also work closely with local schools & churches.  Ask your local evangelist how they can support you!

Meet our evangelists.

crowded street

Evangelism training

We believe that one of the primary roles of the Evangelist is to train and equip others.  We’ve developed a free online Evangelism Essentials course to equip all Christians to be more confident in sharing their faith.  We also offer a free online Children’s evangelism course called It’s Child’s Play to help you more clearly communicate the gospel to young people.

As well as our online courses we also offer practical, in-person training courses in street evangelism and evangelism with children.

Steve Harris doing a magic trick OAC NewsPast Events
August 12, 2024

South Wales Mission 2024

South Wales Mission For the third year we decided to hold a South Wales Mission.  For a variety of reasons we had a smaller team than we have had in...
OAC NewsPast Events
April 22, 2024

London Go Mission 2024

London Go Mission Since 2018 we have run the Go Mission in conjunction with K180.  The aim of the mission is that over 5 days teams will head out to...
A group of Evangelists at the OAC Conference 2023 OAC NewsPast Events
December 6, 2023

OAC Evangelists Conference 2023

At the beginning of November we had our OAC Evangelists Conference 2023 at Hebron Hall in South Wales.  As always it was a great time of fellowship and encouragement.  Throughout...

Facebook Feed

OAC Ministries GB

23 hours 44 minutes ago

Do you want to know a bit more about OAC? About who we are, our history, what we do? You might be surprised by how

OAC Ministries GB

3 days 23 hours ago

Yesterday our Evangelists were out sharing the gospel in Covent Garden. Please pray for all who heard the gospel through their preaching, especially one man

OAC Ministries GB

4 days 23 hours ago

Do you know about our Year of Evangelism initiative to help people explore if God is calling them to be an Evangelist? Why not check

OAC Ministries GB

5 days 23 hours ago

On this Throwback Thursday why not enjoy this sketchboard story of Barabbas from one of our Associates, Jonathan Harris #TBThursday

OAC Ministries GB

1 week 23 hours ago

Some of our OAC books are now available to buy direct from our website! Are you looking for children's sketchboard ideas or new sketchboard scripts